Thursday, 25 August 2011

10 Statement of Deus EX that need to be know.

Delve into the world of the futuristic thriller on PS3 with game director Jean-Francois Dugas and producer David Anfossi.
1. Hacking
The hacking mini-game in Deus Ex: Human Revolution is deep, original, engaging and quite tense. There are also plenty of rewards for completing certain hacks, so it's up to you to decide whether you want to go that extra mile to get those rewards. You'll end up reading insightful emails and gain access to security systems to disarm cameras, turrets and even robots.
2. Augmentations
Augmentations are the stars of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. They offer you a unique gameplay experience. Augmentations support the four pillars of the game: combat, stealth, social and hacking. They also tie into the overarching theme of the game: transhumanism. A favourite augmentation of mine is Smart Vision, which allows you to see through things. This augmentation ability is great for allowing you to plan your next move.
3. The look
We definitely feel like we managed to craft a beautiful, credible and original world in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. When we were thinking about how to revive the Deus Ex series, we knew we wanted the game to look different, and never thought we would do it as deeply as we did. Take the time to explore every corner, back alley and office; there is always something or someone telling a story about the people that inhabit those spaces.
4. Story
We like to think that with Deus Ex: Human Revolution we managed to craft a deep storyline that hooks you until the end. Our characters are fleshed out, nothing is ever what it seems and the premise of the story touches on subjects that, as people, we care about. Even though the story is quite epic in scope, we believe it's still a very personal and emotional one.
5. Takedowns
We don't know why, but in Deus Ex: Human Revolution they always feel satisfying, even after repeated use. This is probably because each one is so brutal, in addition to the fact that we have so many. What we did find is that takedowns tend to stay fresh in the long run.
6. Choices and consequences
The story in Deus Ex: Human Revolution is somewhat linear, although how it unfolds hinges on your actions. Not all choices are clearly mapped out in front of you. Most are inherent to how you deal with certain situations and encounters. This makes for an incredibly personal experience. It also adds to replay value, which means you'll be able to play through the game a number of times in different ways and experience multiple outcomes.
7. Genre blender
Deus Ex: Human Revolution mixes four different types of gameplay: combat, stealth, hacking and social. Each one is engaging and rewarding in its own right. What we are most proud of is how we managed to mix these mechanics elegantly together into one cohesive experience.
8. Stealth
It's incredibly satisfying to sneak around enemies without being seen in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Try to take them down from behind while avoiding detection or eavesdrop on conversations - this is a great way to gain hints. Stealth is really engaging and makes you feel like you've outsmarted every enemy. It's definitely a more demanding approach to playing the game, but the payoff is worth it.
9. Fridges
Yes, you read that right - fridges. Not only can they can be picked up and used to access hard to reach areas or thrown at annoying characters, they're also great portable cover. Although we mention just the fridges here, there are lots of other objects in Deus Ex: Human Revolution that act as portable cover. Look out for them.
10. Side missions
Side missions in Deus Ex: Human Revolution are actually quite lengthy and play a part in the overall story arc. They allow you to learn a great deal about different characters, organizations and the themes in the game. We like to think of them as fleshed out stories that, even on their own, are as compelling as the main storyline. They're not easy; they involve tough decisions that you're going to have to make, and in the world of Deus Ex: Human Revolution nothing is ever black and white.
Pick up a copy of Deus Ex: Human Revolution on PlayStation 3 on 26 August 2011 and embark on a thrilling adventure into the future.

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